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Jun 29, 2012

Wajah-Wajah Hero Ku~

Adam dari Oven..(12 June 2012, 1055 pm)

Adam @ 3MO

ADAM @ 3 MO~

 Adam @ 6MO

Adam @ 9 MO

Adam @ 12MO

Jun 28, 2012

Review Lagi Tentang CD~ Jom baca~

Lampin kain Moden (Cloth Diaper) merupakan pilihan yang sihat untuk anak anda. Lampin yang mesra alam.. Percaya atau tidak, CD memenuhi bujet anda! Range harga untuk CD:-

Pocket Diaper- RM25-40/pc (QQ Baby, Coolababy, Babyland, Weegro, Autumnz)
All in One- RM 60-80/pc (Simplex, BumGenius, Charlie Banana)
AI2 (All in 2)- RM 70-90/pc (Lunatots, GroVia, Itti Bitti, Eli Monster)
Fitted/ Pre-Fold- RM 70-90/pc (Flip, Eli Monster)



Saya dulu mula ber-CD masa Adam umur 1 bulan, sebab masa dalam pantang baby akan selalu Poopoo..Larat la sangat nak basuh, tapi memang bukan sendiri yang basuh..Hehe..Of course la mama yang tolong basuhkan masa dalam pantang..Yang best, mama memang support abes guna CD ni..1 more thing, Adam masa tu memang halussss so memang gedabak la pakai CD..Barut sentiasa basah sebab serap pee pee from CD..Huhu.. Yela, that time tak tau ada CD untuk new born..Yang tau, ada pocket diaper jenis fabric PUL &minky..Masa tu stok memang ada 10 pcs je, 5 pcs minky snap button &5 pcs jenis Velcro..Now, memang sangat jatuh chenta ngan CD..Macam2 jenis available as saya state above..Semua jenis dah try Cuma jenis fitted/ pre-fold je belum..

From others experience, jenis pre-fold/ flat sesuai untuk new born sebab 1set pre-fold comes with around 5 pc insert &1 cover (brand Flip maybe)..New born kan selalu poo, so just tukarkan insert yang dilipat 3 segi atau 4segi pastu letak atas cover, then just snap pada baby..Jenis pre-fold ni memang macam dulu2 punya lampin, tapi insert nya lebih menyerap berbanding kain lampin biasa.. Moden kan?

Kalau jenis pocket pulak selalunya one-size (ada button untuk adjust from nb-up to 17kg)—jenis QQ Baby.. Pada saya jenis pocket sesuai untuk lebih penjimatan, baby boleh pakai sampai umur 2 tahun depends on berat/ badan juga la..Then, jenis ni juga sesuai sebab kita boleh pilih jenis insert/ penyerap berdasarkan habit anak samada jenis normal wetter, heavy wetter or night used..Kalau day time, saya guna insert microfiber (mf) je.. Cuma bila malam saya akan guna 2 insert/ 1 insert bamboo sebab kekadang terlupa malam nak salin CD Adam (dlm erti kata lain sangat mengantuk+ malas)..Haha..Setakat ni Adam bukan la jenis heavy wetter, not the time yet..Huhu..

AI2 jenama GroVia memang sangat umphhhhhh..Hehehe..Leak guard pada peha sangat membantu bila Adam poo poo..Just snap other soaker kalau shell tak soiled..Tak nampak bulky, sangat nice sebab Adam bukan jenis peha drumstick..Cuma soaker organic ni memang lambat kering kalau basuh, that’s because penyerapannya sangat bagus..Kalau yang minat fabric natural, this AI2 is for u..Jenis kat bawah ni pun AI2 sebab ada cover contoh brand Weegro..Leh letak samada insert organic/ letakkan pre-fold untuk serapan..

After basuh CD, benda yang paling malas nak buat adalah nak stuff insert ke dalam pocket..Huhu.. Jadi, alternative untuk mommies yang kalau rasa sangat malas macam saya adalah dengan menggunakan All in One (AIO) CD.. Jenis AIO, insert dijahit sekali dengan CD cover..Tak yah dah nak stuff insert sambil mata macam mata panda (selalu stuff insert malam2)..Haha..Kalau nak feel stay dry, just keluarkan insert(bahagian fabric fleece) yang dijahit keluar ke atas CD..kalau nak stay natural, just put the insert ke dalam pocket..Untuk AIO, mommies leh tambah booster contohnya hemp ke dalam untuk penyerapan lebih bagus/ lama..For me, selalu pakaikan Adam AIO, Simplex by Swaddlebee waktu malam/ tidur..Plus, AIO simplex memang sangat fit/ ngam2 wooo..Hehehe..not so bulky..Fit at crotch..

Jadi, sebagai ibu bapa yang inginkan yang terbaik untuk anak anda, Jangan tunggu lagi untuk mula ber Cloth Diaper.. Permulaan untuk ber Cloth Diaper hanya lah anak anda, cloth diaper & sabun detergen yang sesuai..mudah kan? Hanya RM 250 anda belanjakan untuk 10 pcs CD plain comes with 20 insert (di Hanania’s Closet), yang bertahan untuk 2-3tahun (bergantung kepada cara penjagaan masing2)..Tunggu apa lagi, Jom BerCloth Diaper!! Jangan tunggu lama-lama..

Jun 23, 2012


Adam in Weegro~


1. Prefolds or flats – Flat cloth diapers are the classic cotton square which is folded to fit baby, and secured with diaper pins or a Snappi. A variation of the flat diaper is the Prefold, which includes extra layering in the center.

Flat and prefold diapers are the least expensive choice in cloth diapers, costing in the area of RM90 per dozen for prefold, or around RM25 for flat cotton gauze diapers. These diapers require waterproof outer covers, so they are a three piece diapering system (diaper, cover, closure for diaper).

2. Fitted Diapers - Fitted cloth diapers are next step up in the evolution of the cloth diaper from the simple flat diapers or prefold diapers that were the norm many years ago. Fitted diapers are exactly what they sound like. Instead of the flat and shapeless diapers our parents may have used, fitted diapers are fitted and snug, usually with elastic gatherings in the legs and waist, making them a perfect fit for any baby. They usually have closures of some sort as well, either hook and loop, (Velcro) or snaps.
Fitted diapers are not waterproof so you do need a diaper cover to put over them but they are very easy to put on a baby and very easy to put under a cover without uncomfortable bunching. Some fitted diapers have also been known to contain a pocket for stuffing (see pocket diapers). Fitted diapers come in a variety of materials but some of the most popular choices are cotton knits, flannel, hemp, terry cloth, sherpa, bamboo, or velour.

3. Pocket Diapers –They are cloth diapers with a pocket. Most generally have two layers, an outer layer and an inner layer, with a hole or pocket that separate the two at one point, forming an opening for the absorbent material to be inserted. The absorbent material that is inserted into the pocket is what absorbs the moisture when baby relieves himself. It can be removed later for more effective cleaning. Many moms believe that pocket diapers are the most innovative invention in diapering ever. 

4. All-in-Ones (AIOs) – It is a type of diaper that functions completely on its own without the need for extra accessories. It does not require separate soaker material to absorb or a separate diaper cover to contain leaks. All of the features are neatly packaged into one diaper.
Read more here

So, pilihan di tangan anda ye Mommies~ Lagi moden system/ jenis CD, lebih bagus & fit your budget..Depends juga on your routine/ kerajinan/ needs..Kalau malas nak stuff insert, go for AIO or AI2 (ops, takde dlm senarai di atas plak). Nnt review lagi.. Whatever it is, its for your only precious ones.. =)

Jun 22, 2012

Myth about Cloth Diapers & Cloth Pads~


Myth 1 - Cloth Diapers Are Expensive…

It is estimated that using disposable diapers can cost you between two and three thousand dollars per child, from birth to potty training. That is an astounding amount of money to spend on what is essentially garbage. Cloth diapers, however, are much cheaper in the long run, even if the initial investment is more. Assuming that you will not be sewing your own diapers…it is entirely possible to cloth diaper a child for 3 years for $100-300 dollars. These diapers will likely last for one or more subsequent children as well. Do the math…the numbers don’t lie.

Myth 2 - Cloth Diapers Are Hard to Care For…

Many cloth diapering parents have adopted a dry pail method of storage. This means that they simply remove a soiled diaper, dispose of any solid waste by dumping it in the toilet, and then toss the diaper in a diaper pail until laundry day. While some cloth diaper users may still rinse diapers in a toilet or sink before putting them in the pail or perhaps soak them in a wet pail before laundering, these methods are not necessary. A no rinse, dry pail method has been proven to be just as effective.

Using cloth diapers will usually only mean another 1-3 loads of laundry a week. This should not represent a significant difference in workload on laundry days. Putting cloth diapers outside on a line to dry will not only alleviate some of this work, but it will also help conserve energy and work to “sun” out any stains that washing did not get rid of. All things considered, it is no more difficult to clean cloth diapers then it is to clean any other clothing types.

Myth 3 - Cloth Diapers Leak…

Cloth diapers today come in many different styles and are made with a wondrous array of fabric and absorbency levels. Even parents of children who are very heavy wetters are sure to find a diaper that works for them if they search hard enough. Parents must consider though that disposable diapers are made with chemicals that allow them to be super absorbent and act as a high-volume portable toilet. Yes, disposable diapers may hold in more urine but is that really a good thing? The holding capacity of disposable diapers seems to be breeding laziness and unrealistic expectations in many parents. We should not lulled into the thinking that a diaper should last through several urinations before it is changed, simply because it inconvenient to change diapers every 2-3 hours or less. When a diaper is soiled or wet it needs to be changed…end of story. If diapers are changed immediately after they become soiled or wet, then leaks are rarely a problem.


Jun 19, 2012


Why use cloth menstrual pads & how to wash it?

When the first time we read about cloth menstrual pad , most of us will think, YUCK , why in the world , in such a modern time we must use that? is it disgusting and need a lot of job to wash and unpractical?
After all, you are used to using disposable menstrual pads - you like their convenience - so why change?
1. Cloth menstrual pad is CHEMICAL FREE.
It is for the healthier you. As we know to make disposable pads they need lots of chemicals to make them super absorbent , super white and trim.
Your genital tissue is highly sensitive, and these chemicals are easily absorbed into your body, causing irritation and discomfort in the process. We already live in increasingly polluted environments, so it makes sense to reduce your exposure to chemicals in any way you can.
2.It is more comfortable and soft to your skin and your body and to our environment! WAHMIES mama pads are made of Bamboo fabric. Bamboo fabric can absorb 60% more than cotton and it is naturally antibacterial ,so it`s more hygienic and more healthy for your skin! For sensitive and allergic prone skin bamboo is a wonderful choice.Bamboo natural breahtability keeps your skin comfortable and feel dry longer.
Bamboo thrives naturally without using any pesticides and fertilizers.Bamboo fiber is 100% biodegradable.
3.You will save money - Investing in good quality cloth pads will cost you only a small percentage of what disposables are costing you now.
Step 1. Soak in cold water (from as little as 2 minutes to 24 hours)

Step 2. Hand or machine wash.

Washing them when you take a shower is a convenient and time saving method of keeping your pads fresh and clean.

Please do not use Chlorine Bleach or fabric softeners as this will affect your pads absorbency .

Step 3. Line or tumble dry.

What about Staining?

Soaking in cold water generally removes most stains, especially if you add salt to your soaking water. If you come across more stubborn stains we recommend that you use pre wash soap or soak in an oxygen based (NOT CHLORINE) soaker for a few hours.


Source: http://www.miabambina.com 

Jun 14, 2012


hELLo GurLS!

Super pad in the house.. Length 25 cm.. Super softtttt cloth pad.. Suitable for medium to heavy flow.. Cute butterfly design.. Only 3pcs! Buy 3 pcs, get free one pouch beg to store used pad while u were out/ working~



2Pcs regular pad awaits u! Available in hot pink design only.. 1st come, 1st serve basis ya!..



PM me for price..Reasonable price~

Jun 11, 2012

Cahaya Hidupku~

 Setahun berlalu..

10 Jun 2011..
Aku tengok kaki dah macam bigfoot kot.. Gerun tengok kaki sendiri..Sakitnya, Tuhan saja tau. Maklumlah, dah sarat..Kaki tak dapat menampung badan/ perut yang memboyot..Tambah plak, kaki kecik saiz 5 je..Bayangkan lahhhh..Pagi-pagi lagi aku dah bangun nak tengok kot-kot dah turun tanda (tanda nak bersalin)..Takde la pulak..Stress sebab tak bersalin lagi..Hari ni EDD (Expected due date), tapi aku cergas je lagi.Contraction tak rasa pun..Encit suami pun stress gak sebab cuti tinggal lagi 1 minggu..Encit suami apply cuti 2minggu, seminggu dah berlalu..Aku dok steady lagi.. Hehe..Macam-macam ikhtiar dah kami buat nak bagi baby kuar, tapi bukan masanya lagi..

11 Jun 2011
Steady je lagi ni..Tetiap pagi kena pegi check keadaan baby kat klinik..Kepala baby dah engage, betul ngam2..Hehe..Siang tu Nak jadi citer, takde jugak tanda-tanda..Mama pulak siang tu buat makan-makan, aku ingat lagi..Mama cakap, 'Baby tanak kuar lagi, dia rasa makan kuew tiow Teng  dulu..Kuar esok la tu'..Ramai juga sedara yang datang..Petang tu Pak Ndak datang bawak Akar Fatimah.. Kena rendam akar tu dalam air masak (nnt nak kena minum), kalau cepat je Akar Fatimah mengembang meaning dah sampai masa nak deliver..Air rendaman tu kena minum once 'pintu dah buka'..Encit suami pun suruh aku rendam malam tu jugak, nak tengok camne rupa Akar tu mengembang..Akar tu kering,tertutup je akar2 nya.. Tunggu punya tunggu, tak kembang pun..Ishkk, tak sabar tulll..
Encit suami pun tambah ikhtiar lagi, call kawan2 yang terdekat minta pendapat..Malam tu juga aku dan encit suami pegi ke Sg. Bakap untuk jumpa ngan bidan yang memang berpengalaman..Tanpa diketahui sesapa pun, sampai ke hari ni..Hehe..Takut gak nanti mama bising..Haha..Malam tu, masa jumpa bidan tu dia just pegang2 baby..Kedudukan semua ok, normal..Bidan tu kata 'Tak esok, lusa keluar la baby..Kepala dah bawah sangat ni'..Bidan tu cuma sapukan minyak selusuh kat perut sambil doa-doa..Pastu aku kena minum 1sudu kecik minyak selusuh tu..Rasa cam minyak kelapa, org utara kata minyak nyoq.. Aku pun balik untuk terus bermimpi..Akar Fatimah tu? Kembang sikit je..Takpela, tunggu esok pagi macamana..

12 Jun 2011
Supriseeee..Bangun tido terus tengok Akar tu..SubhanaAllah..Akar tu kembang sangat2, penuh bekas akar tu mengembang.. Nak sembahyang subuh,aku tengok ada kesan darah..Macam awal-awal period..Rileks2..terus mandi sebab nak gi check up plak.. Masa di klinik, nurse cakap baby ok..Gerak baby pun ok..Aku pun cite la,ada tanda darah..Nurse pun suruh pegi hospital seberang jaya (HSJ).. Aku pun terkejut beruk kenapa kena gi HSJ plak, bukan hospital bukit mertajam (HBM).. Sebab, aku lepas dari due..So, HBM taknak terima takut risiko pape..Aku tanak gi HSJ sebab 'history' nyerr.. Jadi aku rela pegi ke Hospital Bersalin Pulau Pinang (MHPP) walaupun jauh, kena seberang jambatan.. Taknak aku jadi macam ikan salai (ayat nenek aku)..haha.. Balik la aku ke rumah pas cek up kat klinik, nak amik barang2 n inform mama papa kata nak gi MHPP..takut diorang pegi HBM plak..haha.. Sempat lagi breakfast nasi lemak..Tapi tula, takde pun rasa sakit even sakit macam senggugut..
On the way ke MHPP Encit suami ada ajak pegi makan nasi kandar dulu, aku kata tak berani nak merayau sebab tak tau dilation dah buka berapa.. Singgah jap umah paksu sebab tak tau exactly jalan ke hospital..Boleh x camtu? Haha.. Sampai je hospital trus gi kaunter ( tapi tutup sebab Ahad), so terus gi bhagian kecemasan..Register etc, then trus masuk bilik cek up..dilation dah 2cm masa cek up at 11 am...Terus kena admitted, meaning xleh berjimba2 dah..Sebaik juga hari Ahad, masa melawat kul1 ptg smpai 7.30 malam..Masa admitted je lama la juga duduk atas katil sambil berselirat ..eh yeke? tak ingat la apa nama mesin tu tapi untuk cek heartbeat/ movement baby rasanya..lama la juga sebab nurse nak make sure baby stabil..Dah ok, trus duduk kat katil sambil kena amik darah untuk ujian..Tengok kiri kanan, sumenya tunggu masa nak bersalin..Ada macam2 problem..Ada yang baby songsang, baby asyik bergerak/ tak engage, overdue la..So, time tu dah lunch hour.. Muncul la mama & ain bawak bekal lunch..Memang berselera la aku makan..Hahaha..Contraction skali-skala je..Ops, sebelum makan tu nurse cek lagi then 3cm dilated..cepat la pulak..Aku? Rilek je lagi..Sempat tu naik turun tangga nak survey wad kelas berapa yang ok..Kebetulan, wad kelas 1 memang dah penuh so kena tunggu turn. Terpaksa la aku ditempatkan sementara kat kelas 3..Ok je aku tengok..Ha, masa aku round2 tgk wad around 4pm tu dapat rasa la contraction yang sakit tapi tak la sekerap mana..Sakit pun boleh tahan lagi, ala2 period pain..Mama plak time tu suruh aku gi cek dilation sebab cam kerap gak kot...Pegi cek kul 6pm, dah 4cm dilated..Aku dengan muka seposen minta kat nurse tanak masuk labour room lagi. Mula2 nurse macam nak bagi la, then tetiba nurse pujuk suruh masuk juga labour room sebab nak prepare utk bersalin pun amik masa..Aku pun dengan sedihnya naik la kerusi roda yang ditolak nurse..Sobsob..sedih sebab kalau dah masuk labour room tak leh keluar dah untuk berjimba2..Sempat lagi tu..Huhu..

Dalam Labour Room

Aku tengok jam kat labour room nak dekat kul 7pm..Masuk je, aku dikerumuni doc2 n nurse2..Dengar la diorg cakap, aku last case untuk malam tu..So, ramai la nurse & doc2 mengadap aku yang konon special case..Sambil perut berselirat wayar, doc pun amik darah kiri kanan..Nurse plak bagi injection untuk tahan sakit ( sangat la mengantuk lepas inject).. Lebih kurang nak dekat 8pm, doc pun pecahkan air ketuban..Terasa panas je mengalir keluar.. Lepas dah pecah air baru la terasa sakit yang amat (tapi aku sebenarnya dah tak ingat sakitnya macamana).. Time ni memang nurse keluar masuk nak tengok graf contraction, Encik suami pun sama juga keluar masuk..Dah kul 9 lebih pun dilation tak berubah..Yang paling bermakna & aku ingat, mama pun masuk juga kejap nak sapukan air selusuh kat perut aku..Nurse tu siap cakap, baru 1st time dia tengok seorg mak bersungguh2 tolong anaknya masa bersalin..Sangat syahdu tau..Bagusnya nurse kat situ siap ingatkan ibu2 nak bersalin suruh sentiasa baca doa Nabi Yunus kalau rasa sangat sakit contraction..Dalam kul 10pm aku dah rasa sangat tak tahan, Encik suami pun panggil nurse..Nurse pesan kalau sampai je rasa sakit tu, teran slow2 untuk keluarkan sket kepala baby.. Kalau kepala dah nampak, senang la diorang (doc & nurse) nak tolong..Once kepala dah nampak, berpusu2 la doc sekeliling aku..Yang pasti ada 3 orang doc lelaki non-muslim ( 2 india, 1 cina)..Nurse semua islam, untuk sambut baby..Doc suruh teran, aku pun teran la..Tapi salah teknik..Haha..biasa la 1st baby.. Nurse suruh teran ke perut, aku teran ke muka..Haha..Doc memang dah nak vakum kot, tapi Encik suami larang..Memang haru biru la..Pastu boleh plak terangkat punggung even nurse dah tolong pegang..Memang rabak la..Push punya push, last push yang sangat bersungguh..Tuingggg..Lahirlah ADAM ISYRAQ HANANIA tepat 1055 pm..Memang rasanya sangat lega..Tuhan saja yang tahu..Memang aku ucap Alhamdulillah banyak kali, sambil mengalir air mata..Encik suami pun sama, aku tengok dah berlinang air hujan..Hehe..Baby dicuci dan terpaksa bawa naik ke wad kanak2 sebab suspect tertelan najis..Aku memang tak sempat tengok pun Adam..

 Selepas Melahirkan

Lepas dibersihkan &dijahit (dengar ngeri tapi tak rasa pape pun) aku ditolak ke wad..tapi aku request kat encik suami nak tengok Adam dulu..Around kul1 am baru aku di tolak naik ke wad paed nak tengok Adam..Alhamdulillah, walau aku tak sempat susu kan Adam pun lagi, Adam macam tau2 ke mummy takde ngan dia..Tido nyenyak macam dalam perut mummy..Kesian Adam..Terpaksa berpuasa sekejap..
The next day baru dapat duduk ngan mummy..Terkial2 juga la aku nak breastfeed (BF) Adam for the 1st time..Selamat dengan tunjuk ajar nurse yang baik hati, aku berjaya susukan Adam..14 Jun 2011 baru Adam dan mummy dibenarkan  keluar..Doc sahkan Adam sihat, no infection kat peparu..Cuma kena cek jaundis kat klinik..Yang tu pun, panjang sangat citer..Kesimpulan, pas keluar MHPP, Adam &mummy masuk HBM plak sebab kuning Adam yang tinggi..2hari la juga berkampung kat HBM sampai kuning turun tapi tak habis sepenuhnya..Kuning Adam hilang lepas abis pantang..Hoho..Lama kan? mungkin disebabkan mummy darah O, papa pun sama & opcos la Adam pun darah O.. Macam2 cara/alternatif dah buat..Dah kuning takmo turun apa nak buat, asalkan Adam aktif and boleh BF ok la tu..Hehe..



Kat sini Mummy nak wish..

Happy birthday to you ADAM ISYRAQ HANANIA!! Semoga Allah memberkati hidupmu sayang, Jadilah anak yang soleh &patuh kepada Allah serta mummy papa.. MUMMY LOVES U~

Jun 10, 2012

Starter Kit/ Package for Cloth Pad~

Hi Gurls/ Mommies!

Promotion for starter kit~

Only RM 80, u can get  1 Cloth Pantyliner, 1  Light Cloth Pad, 1 Regular Cloth Pad &1 Medium Cloth Pad!!

*Fabrik/material CP untuk setiap saiz CP ini adalah berbeza..Jadi anda boleh merasai & menentukan fabrik yang sesuai mengikut keselesaan anda untuk sepenuhnya ber CP..


Hurry up!

Charlie Banana Cloth Pad~

Hye Gurls/ Mommies~

Limited stock for Charlie Banana Cloth Pad ( Regular Pad- 20cm X 8cm), only 2 pcs left!

Comfortable, stylish, a much healthier than conventional disposable..Easy to wash, UNBELIEVEABLY stain free, and naturally super absorbent. Gentle every time.. Once you try, you will never want to go back to disposable!
Gynaecologists have advised women to use alternative products without perfumes, bleach or containing any super absorbent chemical.  www.charliebanana.com

PM me for reasonable price~ Fb: Hanania's Closet (Cloth Diapers & Pad) / Zian Nur Juliana (019-6159558)

Jun 6, 2012

HAPPY BUM Cloth Pad!!!

Hi Gurls & Mommies!!

Happy Bum Cloth Pad has arrived @ Hanania's Closet.. Available in 3 design- GREEN FOREST, BATEK & BLUE FLOWER! Size?
S (Light pad) - 20cm X 8cm ( for Light flow)
M (Regular pad) - 24cm X 9cm (for Medium flow)